350 kids give their life to Christ!

350 kids give their life to Christ!

Two weeks ago we shared with you how Hope Story Missions was able to save a young boys life because we are still physically going to Haiti and have resources to diagnose critical illnesses and procure the needed medicines.

Little Johnny is doing great and loves his new crib!

In their second year, we asked our students to plan, organize and present a vacation bible school (VBS) experience for area kids, from the community of Gressier and also from area orphanages.  Last year we anticipated 80 children and ended up with 160 kids by the last day!

This year we knew better.

Our students prepared for 300 kids, meaning we had to get supplies, volunteers, VBS curriculum and lunch each day for those kids we were anticipating. Well, God’s math is NOT our math! We had 450 kids show up the first day, 600 on the second day, 800 on the third day and a whopping 1050 on the last day!  What God did was provide an opportunity for our students to impact over 1000 children who desperately need hope and a future!

Thanks to your generosity, Lennox, we were able to feed these children each day while teaching them about the love and power of Jesus. And even though VBS was over on Thursday, Friday came with 400 kids showing up. When told that we didn’t have enough food to feed them that day, the kids said “we don’t want food…we want  more Word!”  So Lennox preached and sang and ultimately gave an alter call to the children in hopes of reaching a few of them to give their lives to Christ…guess what?  Over 350 kids accepted Jesus into their hearts that afternoon!  And that would NOT have happened if Hope Story Missions was not on the ground in Haiti.

School has begun for most of our students, so please keep them in your prayers as they continue their education. Also, pray for safety as the violence excalates closer and closer to our campus. As of today, we are not affected by the gangs physically, but it’s getting harder and harder to travel outside of our village to get supplies and to visit orphanages. Your prayers are powerful, and we’re so grateful for them! Stay tuned for a wonderful opportunity for you to join hands with Hope Story Missions in bringing hope and help to Haiti!